The Salt You Choose Matters
In my last post: view here, I mentioned how critical minerals are for us. I wanted to continue on this topic and discuss salt. Did you know that table salt is heavily processed in order to remove impurities, however, in this process it is completely stripped of all minerals. They then add potassium iodide, sodium iodide, or sodium iodate back to it after it gets removed. Iodized salt became a thing in 1924 when people began developing goiters due to low iodine intake. They also add anti-caking agents such as sodium aluminosilicate or magnesium carbonate.
Sea salt on the other hand does not go through this processing meaning a high quality sea salt can have upwards of 60 or more minerals (some high quality brands report closer to 90).
What table salt contains
Sodium chloride
Anticaking agents
Potassium iodide (or another form)
What high quality sea salt contains
+80 others
As I also mentioned last week, we used to get our minerals from our water and foods grown in soil but now these things have gone through so many changes that they are essentially devoid of minerals. Since electrolytes and trace minerals are essential to our life and well-being and we aren’t getting them through our water and foods grown in soil, you would think it’s pretty important to find a variety of ways to add them back in, right? In addition, to adding trace mineral drops to my water daily I also find it crucial to season my food with a high quality salt.
There is a ton of research out there in terms of whether sea salt or Himalayan pink salt is better. For me the way I think about it is what would make more sense geographically – thus what would closer represent the minerals I’d be getting from my soil and water based on where I live. I don’t live close to the Himalaya’s, however, I do live close to bodies of sea water. So for me sea salt makes the most sense. This isn’t to say Himalayan pink salt is bad and if someone is using it over table salt, by all means. But to me I choose sea salt to further replicate the terrain surrounding me.
You can try my favorite sea salt here. Use code wellnourished for 10% off.
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